Allergy sufferers have long been searching for the perfect solution to their woes. No one wants to go through life dealing with a runny nose, itchy eyes and sneezing all the time! But waht can be done? Well, there's good news: there is an answer (and it's simpler than you think)!

The key is prevention. Eating healthy, exercising regularly and avoiding triggers are essential steps to take in order to reduce or even avoid allergy symptoms altogether. Of course, this isn't always easy; certain foods and environments can be difficult to avoid. However, with a bit of effort and research, it can be done! Additionally, many medications like antihistamines are also available that can help relieve symptoms when avoidance isn't possible.

Also relevant is ensuring one gets enough restful sleep each night. Without proper sleep our bodies become more vulnerable to allergens; moreover, lack of sleep has been linked with increased inflammation - which only worsens allergies! Taking care of oneself is thus paramount when trying to combat allergies.

In summary: the best way for allergy suffers to find relief is by reducing exposure as much as possible while taking care of themselves health-wise. With these two steps combined (plus some helpful meds if needed) finding relief from allergies might not be so hard afterall!